Simon Peter said to them, "I am going fishing." They said to him, "We are going with you also." They went out and immediately got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing. But when the morning had now come, Jesus stood on the shore; yet the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. Then Jesus said to them, "Children, have you any food?" They answered Him, "No." And He said to them, "Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some." So they cast, and now they were not able to draw it in because of the multitude of fish. John 21:3-6 (NKJV)
Growing up in the Upper Snake River Valley of Idaho, I had many fishing excursions. There were varying degrees of success; from the occasions of "I hit my limit in under an hour" to fishing all day without a single fish realizing that they needed to be hungry and take the bait. I can relate to the seven fisherman disciples (if I counted correctly) who fished all night and caught nothing.
Then Jesus shows up...and as usual, when Jesus shows up, the status quo is about to be challenged. "Cast the net on the right side of the boat and you will find some," Jesus cried out across the water. The disciples, being used to Jesus doing extraordinary things, humored Him and "BOOM" a fishing story was birthed. I think that the Apostle John, who experienced this event first hand, must have included this story to make a point. The point, you ask? That Jesus is the "difference making" factor.
I know that this is true when it comes to "fishing for people." I have worked like crazy in the ministry and seen very little return for my effort. Then Jesus shows up..."BOOM!" Revival breaks out and people are getting saved in droves. This tells me that instructions from the Lord of the Harvest are essential to the relative effectiveness in the work of the Harvest. We may have been casting the net in the wrong place and we need to hear His voice giving us new directives. My advice for those who are engaged in the work of evangelism--let Jesus direct you to the best "fishing holes"--and then, do what He tells you to do!
Prayer: "Dear heavenly Father, I want to see Your Kingdom expanded. I want to see You adding to the Church daily, those that are being saved. I want to see our Evangelistic efforts being effective. Please show us what to do. Instruct us--go before us--equip us--prepare hearts to receive Your Word... I know that I often want to build the house, and in doing so, I labor in vain. Lord, help me to cast off all the futility of my own thinking and to walk in obedience to Your instruction. Amen"
Growing up in the Upper Snake River Valley of Idaho, I had many fishing excursions. There were varying degrees of success; from the occasions of "I hit my limit in under an hour" to fishing all day without a single fish realizing that they needed to be hungry and take the bait. I can relate to the seven fisherman disciples (if I counted correctly) who fished all night and caught nothing.
Then Jesus shows up...and as usual, when Jesus shows up, the status quo is about to be challenged. "Cast the net on the right side of the boat and you will find some," Jesus cried out across the water. The disciples, being used to Jesus doing extraordinary things, humored Him and "BOOM" a fishing story was birthed. I think that the Apostle John, who experienced this event first hand, must have included this story to make a point. The point, you ask? That Jesus is the "difference making" factor.
I know that this is true when it comes to "fishing for people." I have worked like crazy in the ministry and seen very little return for my effort. Then Jesus shows up..."BOOM!" Revival breaks out and people are getting saved in droves. This tells me that instructions from the Lord of the Harvest are essential to the relative effectiveness in the work of the Harvest. We may have been casting the net in the wrong place and we need to hear His voice giving us new directives. My advice for those who are engaged in the work of evangelism--let Jesus direct you to the best "fishing holes"--and then, do what He tells you to do!
Prayer: "Dear heavenly Father, I want to see Your Kingdom expanded. I want to see You adding to the Church daily, those that are being saved. I want to see our Evangelistic efforts being effective. Please show us what to do. Instruct us--go before us--equip us--prepare hearts to receive Your Word... I know that I often want to build the house, and in doing so, I labor in vain. Lord, help me to cast off all the futility of my own thinking and to walk in obedience to Your instruction. Amen"