Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Lesson in Mercy

"Blessed are the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy." Matt 5:7 (NKJV)

How many times have I said or thought, "Well, they got what they deserved;" while passing down my esteemed judgment on another person?  Here is a more pressing question for Yours Truly: "What would happen to me if God gave me what I deserve?"  If God gives me what I deserve, you need to make sure that you leave plenty of space between us when the lightning starts to strike.  Here is the great news--instead of giving me what I deserve, God has given me mercy.

Before we get too carried away with our own goodness when comparing ourselves to others, we need a better standard that will help challenge our self-righteous attitude.  How do we measure up when compared to Jesus?  (He is the standard for Followers of Christ)  A wise man once said, "We judge others by their actions while judging ourselves by our intentions."  Talk about exposing our hypocrisy.

So, how should we respond to the failures and weaknesses of others?  The obvious answer for a Follower of Christ would be--"As God has responded to you."   Our heavenly Father has received us as sons and daughters, cleaning us up, giving us His unconditional love, amazing grace, forgiveness of is called "mercy."  With God's help, this is how we should receive one another.  If you want God's mercy to continue to be rained down upon you--then make sure that you heap mercy on others.

Prayer: "Merciful Father, Your name is great and greatly to be praised.  Thank you for your grace and the love that sustains and strengthens me.  Dare I pray, Father forgive me as I forgive others?  Yes--that is my prayer.  Make me a vessel of Your mercy to others.  May I return good for evil and see people through your eyes of love."  Amen

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