Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Spiritual Pro-activity

But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 1:5-8 (NKJV)

Of course, I could tell you all the kinds of activities that you should try to avoid as a Believer. I could write books and preach a series of sermons that would last for years warning you of the sins, addictions, and forgive me, foolish behavior that you would be better off avoiding altogether. Think with me for a moment--most of the news that you read from news outlets is negative. Too often--"we" who are teachers and preachers, fall into the same trap and preach a very negative message. "Wait! I thought that the Gospel was suppose to be 'Good News!'" 

If we, the Church, are to teach a broad spectrum of God's truths, it is impossible to avoid everything that might be considered negative. On the other hand, most of us already know that we are damaged goods. I can hear the voice of Linda Ronstadt now, "You're no good, you're no good, you're no good, baby you're no good." Message received loud and clear!! Cutting through all the negativity I hear another voice saying, "Neither do I condemn thee, go and sin no more." I like this voice--I need to listen to this voice--I need to cling to the message this voice brings.

The Apostle Peter gave us a recipe of spiritual pro-activity that will lead us to live a life of fruitfulness. Here are some "wonderful" activities that you can passionately participate in without fear or condemnation. Live virtuously. Obtain and pursue knowledge. Be disciplined. Stay under control. Show grace when under fire. Draw neigh unto God. Practice kindness. Love people. Trust me--if you give yourself to a pro-active lifestyle filled with these noble pursuits--you will probably be too busy to do any of the "thou shalt nots" that preachers like to preach about!

Prayer: "Dear heavenly Father, may I pursue Your will and Your Kingdom to the point that I leave no room for foolishness or nonsense. You are my treasure and greatest passion of my life. It is in those times, when I take my eyes off of You that I tend to get myself in trouble. So, Lord, I ask You to empty my life of the vain pursuits and fill my life with the things that are pleasing to You. Please know that I love You, and I need Your power and strength in order to be transformed. Do Your good work in me! Amen"

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