Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ's sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. 1 Peter 4:12-13 (NKJV)
I know that people go through difficult times. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people, so much so that at times it hardly seems fair. Welcome to the real world--a world that is literally under a curse that we call sin. Did you really expect such a world to be fair? This happens to be a world where we all scramble and scratch to survive, and it seems as if the problems are happening on multiple fronts, all at the same time. Family problems, friend problems, national problems, international problems all coming at us at the speed of light.
I do not know anyone who goes through the experience of life on planet earth that has remained untouched by difficulties. I have recently observed some of the painful life experiences that some of my dear friends are enduring. Everything from suffering through the last days of terminal cancer, to an out-of-control youth that has had to be institutionalized, to a child born with several complications, to a fine worker struggling to find work, to a marriage that is breaking apart. These are my friends--they are good people. I guess that being a Believer in Christ does not exempt us from some of the negative trials associated with life.
The Apostle Peter told us that fiery trials should be no surprise to us. What was his point? He was simply letting us know that sometimes bad things happen to good people. It is the nature of the planet on which we live. It sounds so sad--so disappointing--so hopeless--so discouraging, until you realize two factors that are weighted in the favor of those who have put their trust in God. Firstly, whatever you are going through--even David's "Valley of the Shadow of Death," God will be with you. Secondly, the Word of God declares, "This world is not our home." Our future home sounds encouraging. No pain, no tears, no regrets and King Jesus rules! That is our future hope and the cause for joy in the here and now!
Prayer: "Dear heavenly Father, today I pray for my friends who are in the midst of some very difficult and challenging times. I pray that You would make a way for them out of this valley of pain and confusion and lead them beside some fresh water and green fields. May this season pass and may they enter into a time of joy and peace. In the meantime, please let them know that You are there and that You will be the strength that they need. Above all else--blessed be the name of the Lord! Amen"
I know that people go through difficult times. Bad things happen to good people and good things happen to bad people, so much so that at times it hardly seems fair. Welcome to the real world--a world that is literally under a curse that we call sin. Did you really expect such a world to be fair? This happens to be a world where we all scramble and scratch to survive, and it seems as if the problems are happening on multiple fronts, all at the same time. Family problems, friend problems, national problems, international problems all coming at us at the speed of light.
I do not know anyone who goes through the experience of life on planet earth that has remained untouched by difficulties. I have recently observed some of the painful life experiences that some of my dear friends are enduring. Everything from suffering through the last days of terminal cancer, to an out-of-control youth that has had to be institutionalized, to a child born with several complications, to a fine worker struggling to find work, to a marriage that is breaking apart. These are my friends--they are good people. I guess that being a Believer in Christ does not exempt us from some of the negative trials associated with life.
The Apostle Peter told us that fiery trials should be no surprise to us. What was his point? He was simply letting us know that sometimes bad things happen to good people. It is the nature of the planet on which we live. It sounds so sad--so disappointing--so hopeless--so discouraging, until you realize two factors that are weighted in the favor of those who have put their trust in God. Firstly, whatever you are going through--even David's "Valley of the Shadow of Death," God will be with you. Secondly, the Word of God declares, "This world is not our home." Our future home sounds encouraging. No pain, no tears, no regrets and King Jesus rules! That is our future hope and the cause for joy in the here and now!
Prayer: "Dear heavenly Father, today I pray for my friends who are in the midst of some very difficult and challenging times. I pray that You would make a way for them out of this valley of pain and confusion and lead them beside some fresh water and green fields. May this season pass and may they enter into a time of joy and peace. In the meantime, please let them know that You are there and that You will be the strength that they need. Above all else--blessed be the name of the Lord! Amen"
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