Saturday, February 9, 2013


Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and ifthere is anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things. Phil 4:8 (NKJV)

It would virtually be impossible to pick up a newspaper in any metro area and keep the scope of your thinking within the boundaries suggested by the Apostle Paul. (Thinking on things that are praiseworthy!) There is bad, negative, impure and downright slimy news on every page. In order to keep any semblance of following Paul's instruction, one would probably have to "drop out" and avoid the flood of bad news and impure imagery that invades our homes through the secular media. This is not a suggestion of new legalism; but it it is a realistic call to fix our minds on things that assist and encourage spiritual growth in our lives.

Lets see if I can provoke your thinking. Pick your top 5 movies of all time. Once you have selected them ask yourself the following questions as you evaluate each movie: "Is there a theme of redemption in the movie?" "Is there anything in this movie that does not measure up to the Phil 4:8 standard?" "Would I feel comfortable watching this movie in church on Sunday morning with all the rest of the saints?" (Wow--this already makes me a bit uncomfortable)

Our brains really do act like giant sponges. They absorb anything and everything that is given access. Pictures, sounds, music, lyrics, information, opinions, reports, dialog, is all processed. Here is the question that really needs to have an honest answer: "Does the input have an effect on the output?" In other words, are you being shaped and influenced by what you are watching, reading and listening to? The answer is "yes!" What are you going to do about protecting your mind? Each Believer needs to take the words of Paul to heart and perhaps set some new self-imposed boundaries.

Prayer: "Dear Heavenly Father, the Word states that You have no shadow of turning--that You are pure light with no darkness. I think that I'm more of a mix--a shade of gray and maybe more lukewarm than I would like to admit. I am sure that my mind has been exposed to ideas that are not of You. Cleanse my mind and my heart and give me the wisdom to remove the influences that are unnecessary and harmful. Amen"

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