Monday, November 12, 2012

A Good Imitation

Therefore be imitators of God as dear children. And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet-smelling aroma. Eph 5:1-2 (NKJV)

When Jody and I first got married, we were given a green couch that had the words "Genuine Naugahyde" embossed in small letters on the backside. What did that even mean? (What is a Nauga anyway, and are they naturally green?) This is what the words meant: "Our couch was made out of a genuine fake leather."  It did not take a genius I.Q. to glance at our couch to realize that it was not real leather. At least the makers of our green couch realized that their product could never be passed off as anything other than vinyl.

There have been times in my life when I have felt as if I was a genuine fake Christian. Masquerading and pretending to be something that I had not yet become. It is a common experience among Believers, because we have not yet fully appropriated what we are striving to be and one day will be. In the meantime, we are completely dependent upon the never-ending fountain of God's grace and mercy.

OK...perfection is off the table in this life; however, you can imitate God. Paul put his finger on a good place to start. Love...walk in love. This may sound like the words of an escaped flower child from the early 70's; learning to love--loving God--loving your neighbors--loving your family--loving your friends--loving your enemies--is the most Godlike action you can take and most valuable commodity that you can give. The more we learn how to love others, putting their needs before our own--the better is our imitation of God.

Prayer: "Dear Heavenly Father, I want to be more like You. I need to be more like you and less like me. Show me how to walk in love this day. Give me opportunities to love others as You would love them. May I begin to see people as You see them and not be so quick in my judgment of their actions. In the places where I am weak, be my strength. In the places where I am duplicitous, reveal Your truth. In my life be glorified today!" Amen

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