Saturday, November 17, 2012

So Many Possibilities

All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. Let no one seek his own, but each one the other'swell-being. 1 Cor 10:23-24 (NKJV)

Adam and Eve fell into sin by doing the one thing, (count it) the one thing that they were told not to do. This means that there was a whole world of possibilities waiting to be discovered--a million or more things that were lawful for them to do and they chose to do the one thing they were told not to do. Are we any different?

In a number of conversations with non-believers I always hear the following excuse: "I don't want to become a Christian, because of all the 'things' I would have to give up." By "things" they are referring to sinful activities. I have a couple of responses to this kind of thinking: Firstly, sinful activity is not very creative. In other words, there still exists a world full of a million or more things that a person can do that are not sinful. Sin, on the other hand, usually boils down to the same few wrong attitudes and foolish activities. Secondly, sinful activity generally creates collateral damage that hurts and harms innocent people.

As a Believer, I have great latitude in the activities that I can engage in. There are only a few things that God asks me not to do--and believe me--this are things that I and the people around me are better off without. (Really, no-one wants to be stolen from, no-one wants to be lied about, no-one wants to be killed... The point is simple: Most people do not want to be on the receiving end of another person's sin) So, how should we live? In a way that glorifies God (which can be a lot of fun!) and in a way that is beneficial to the people around you--especially, the people that are the closest to you. I believe that living for God is a win-win situation and God's design for a great life!

Prayer: "Dear Heavenly Father. Thank you for creating a beautiful planet with amazing vistas, interesting animals, a plethora of plant life, and a million possibilities of things to do. I stand amazing at the handiwork of Your hand. Lord, please direct my attention away from the activities that are not profitable and give me a desire to engage in activities that build Your Kingdom and bless the people that surround me." Amen

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