Saturday, November 24, 2012

Words of Grace

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers. Eph 4:29 (NKJV)

There is a common children's rhyme that goes like this: "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Unfortunately, this rhyme is about as true as most Old Wives' Tales. Which is to say that there is no truth in it at all! Words have a tremendous effect on the people that are on the receiving end of those words. This is the power of the tongue, and it can be used to edify and encourage others, or it can light a fire that destroys any chance of relationship.

Paul's instructions were clear: No cutting, biting, destructive, derisive, corrupt words should ever be projected out of our mouths. We do not have God's permission to speak in such a manner. By contrast, God has given us a green light to speak words that impart grace to the hearers. What is grace? It is unmerited favor. How are we instructed to speak to people who do not deserve our kind, edifying, uplifting words? We exercise grace, giving to them our unmerited, unsolicited, and certainly unexpected kind words.

There is no exception to this rule. "But...what about the times they really deserve to be put in their place?" Somehow find words of grace that pro-actively change the situation. There is no doubt that there are circumstances where it may seem that someone deserves our verbal wrath; but grace does not return evil for evil, and love does not demand satisfaction, and mercy does not require us to pass judgment. The challenge: Try to go one day where you speak only words that impart grace to the hearers...just one day.

Prayer: "Dear Heavenly Father, I know that I have failed too many times to count. In my remorse I try to hide away like Adam and Eve and yet You find me. Even when You chasten me it is obvious that You are loving me and saving me from my own foolish ways. I pray Lord, that you would help me to treat others as You have treated me. May my life and words demonstrate grace towards others. May I be a reflection of Your amazing grace. Put a guard on my tongue and may I be a source of encouragement to those who hear me." Amen

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